Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Vintage Illustrations: Little Girl Portrait, Young Girls Chatting

As I was sorting my vintage images yesterday,
I discovered this post that somehow never got published,
so I thought I would do so today.

I love this image of the little girl.
She looks sweet and thoughtful.

Here she is in a cleaned up version...

 and an antiqued look.

These little girls look like they are planning something or having a discussion of some kind.

Do you see the pail in the picture?

I used the pail in my header on this blog.

These are all from old books from the late 1800's
so enjoy using them for crafting purposes.

Have a great weekend
and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow that little girl in the top pic looks like it could have been me when I was that age. Amazing.

  2. Two questions about the little girl in the top picture. Do you know what book the picture came out of and the author's name?


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.