Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Art Lesson: The Face of a Cow.

Even before I married a farmer and we bought our farm,
I have always loved farm animal housewares.

Having cows just made me like them especially more.

I don't like the bull up in the barn, but this metal one can stay.

 There is something quaint about old farm scenes:
such peaceful living, although I'm sure it was much harder work in that day.

I love taking pictures of the cows.
They have such sweet faces.

I made up a page on how to sketch a cow's head.

I'll make another one up for the rest of the body sometime soon;
the head was enough of a lesson on it's own.

Feel free to print this page up and use it as you'd like,
just not for resale.

(To print this teaching sketch page, click on the image, right click, and then click on "copy".

Open up Microsoft Word and right click on the screen, and then click "paste".
 The image should paste onto the page.

You can then click "print" to use them for yourself or home-school groups, etc, just not for resale.)
If you have difficulties, questions, or suggestions, please let me know.)

I have been working on some demanding projects in the past few weeks,
and I hope to share them soon....
and be back more often.
I really do hope so!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the way you decorate! Very inspirational and farmy!

  2. Is this bos indicus or bos taurus your scetching .

  3. Wow, this is wonderful! I am going to try this cows - and sheep! Thank you so much for taking the time to show us wanna be painters how to get started. Love your blog, cam over from "Mod Vintage".

  4. Thank you so much for giving a free printable on the cow head! I am not artistic at all, but I am very crafty-two entirely different things. With your free printable instructions, I think I can really do this (or it could be the wine talking). My mother-in-law has been bottle feeding a calf since she was born and this would be the perfect gift for her...if I can actually paint this. With your help, I am feeling very confident. Thanks so much!


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.