Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sketch Book

This week's lesson is about having a sketch book,
a place to practice and journal your art endeavors.

Do you have a sketch book?

 (They are also called 'art journals'.)

A sketch book is a great tool for every artist.

For this blog, I purchased a sketch book.

It is a handy place to keep my thoughts all together.

 An art journal is helpful for drawing the things you see around:
a person, place, or just something you want to capture on paper.

It is a great place to practice drawing because it is just for fun,

just to practice.

When something doesn't turn out as expected...

 it can be a stepping stone for next time.

Instead of using pencil, one might chose to use a light color of the image
to sketch out the basic shape.

New attempts can be made,

sometimes right away,
sometimes a little while later.

Instead of drawing what one thinks should be there,

one must train the eye to pick out what is really there...

and draw what one sees.

If you can, get a sketch book to capture your practice,
adding dates and some words.

If you have a picture of something you were attempting to draw,
glue that to a page, if you'd like.

It is your book to use as you please:
your tool to be shaped to your hand.

Someday you'll be able to look back and see,
not only some great memories,
but terrific improvement as well.

 And it is an enjoyable way to get a few minutes of art into some spare moments you may find.

If you have a sketch book, do you have a favorite page?
If you don't have one, please try to make room in your plans for one very soon in your future.
 You'll be glad you did.

This is part of my free art lesson series each week.
To see the full list of art lessons, click <HERE<.

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1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me to purchase a sketch book. I think that I will love having that visual journal!


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