Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Vintage Baby Illustrations

There is just something wonderful about little babies.
Aren't they sweet?

My little sister had a baby (her first) last week, so it had me looking at my books for some vintage baby illustrations.  I found some fun toddler and baby images.

Here are three that I found.

I cleaned this one up and made an antiqued version as well as a black and white.

This crying baby below looks pretty upset,
and I'm glad I can't hear him.

I still thought he was pretty sweet, sitting next to the smiling child.
I'm not sure what the necklace is around his neck.  Is it a teether or a vintage pacifier?
  I'd love to know, if any of you can figure it out.

I made an antique and black and white version of these,
and also made a separated version.
I think the crying baby would be fun on a baby shower card or even an "I'm expecting" announcement.
 (Not for me though, just in case you were wondering!)

I love this lady and baby illustration below.

The tenderness is obvious in her face.

I hope you can use these on a card or in some way, if you'd like.

They are all from the late 1800's, so there is no copyright on them,
as far as I know.

Have a happy week!

Sharing with:
Gnowfglins: Simple-lives-Thursday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tonya,
    Thank you for your unselfish sharing of your "gift".

    I am just wondering what you mean by "cleaning up" an old print? How do you do that; the process?

    Then having completed that process, what did you do to antique the print?

    Thank you for sharing.
    Mercy W.


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.