Sunday, March 30, 2014

When Colored Paint Helps Hide the Damage.


  Sometimes I find it difficult to know whether to paint a piece of furniture or leave it as wood.  I love a mixture of the two around the house.  Take for example, this round table that my mother gave me.  I treasure this table and the beautiful carving all around the edges of the table top.

I needed to do something with it because the top was badly scratched and had bubbled and peeled varnish which made me feel like it looked messy all of the time.  I hid it with doilies for a long while but finally decided that I either needed to paint it or strip it.

Because of the detail of the carved wood and the fact that my life is filled with kids and so many other projects right now, I decided to give in and just paint it.

I used Annie Sloan Chalk paint which is a favorite of mine because it eliminates the need to sand or prime furniture.  I gave it a fun two-toned look:
white for most of it and then Florence blue on the top.  (I will admit that although part of the reason I painted it a different color on top was for fun, but also because the white made it look too obviously marred to me: the color seemed to hide the seriously marred top a little better.)

(I painted the frame with some Annie Sloane paint a previous day, but am not sure the color.
Annie Sloan paint seems to be useful on just about anything).

Of course, I love bold colors in my living room anyhow, so that was obviously a good part of the decision as well.

I sanded the whole thing after the paint dried to make it look distressed,
and then rubbed some Fiddes and Sons Rugger Brown and clear wax on it.

Painting it made me feel better about it's rough look and added color.
Of course, it is always whatever makes your house feel like your own home that works for each of us.

For me all too often, I have to admit, I opt for the easier route of paint.

Well, it is snowing here again...
I do hope spring comes soon as I am ready to head into the flower gardens.
We found a great couch for the basement this weekend off of Craig's List and it will be fun to show you that room all finished soon.
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. I absolutely love those shutters!!! Did you paint them? You are so gifted.


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.