Saturday, March 8, 2014

Art Lesson: Drawing a Tractor.

This post is a bit later than I wanted to get it on here because,
I'm going to be honest:
I kept pushing off getting this sketch done.

I wanted to do a sketch/painting on a piece for my husband's birthday,
and he's a tractor sort of guy.

Farmall's are his favorite,
but he actually has a John Deere right now,
so what was I to do?

Here is how to do a simple sketch of a Farmall.

After I had done that sketch, I decided to try this picture that I have of my husband with our son.

With this sketch, I just began by taking visual measurements and adjusting as I went along.
The Farmall was easier for a beginnier tractor, I thought, and I was glad I started with that one.

This was a sketch that pushed me outside my comfort zone, 
and I think a big part of the reason is that I do not know tractors...
their structure: how they are made, where their parts are,
their "skeletal shape," in a sense.

I know my husband (who does mechanic work) knows the parts and shapes of the features,
so I felt like every detail had to be more precise,
like copying the alphabet of a language that uses different lettering...
each line and curve must be very specific.

I am still finishing this piece;
I hope to watercolor it tomorrow and share the result when it is finished.

Because I still feel unsure of tractor art, 
I plan to take a picture of it when I am done outlining it with the pen,
and try painting a copy for practice first.

Stretching my brain to draw something I was uncomfortable with was great brain exercise,
and I am sure I could use more of that!

Have you had to do any forced pieces of art lately that made you paint outside your comfort zone?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow! It looks great! Can't wait to see the finished results!

    1. Thank you! I need to get on that "finished results" :) Hoping to make time today.

  2. Your husband obviously has good taste in tractors! LOL My Dad had a 1948 B. He passed some years ago, but when anyone mentions a tractor I can still see him on Old B.

    1. Thanks for sharing. :) There's something sweet about a man on a tractor, isn't there? :)

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Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.