Saturday, August 3, 2013

Vintage Images: Cats/ Roses

Today I am posting some vintage images with cats.

I have written a rough draft of a children's book about our cat
 and have been working on some sketch ideas for it;
so I have cats on the brain.

This is an original but there must have been an error in the printing of it because there is a line through the cat's head.

Not too many cats would be willing participants of riding in a wagon,
but this cat must be tolerant of the child's play.

Here is a cleaned up version in black and white.  I tried to remove the line through the cat's head using the clone editor.

 Here is an antiqued version.

I thought the roses in this image were especially pretty,
 so I cropped and cloned the background of this as well.

 Here is the antiqued version of the roses.

I also found this portrait of a cat.

Here is the black and white version

and the antiqued version.

Sweet kitty.

Feel free to use these vintage graphics for your fun projects.
Both are from books printed in the late 1800's.


  1. Cats are favorites of mine, but I haven't tried to draw one. This gives me some inspiration - thank you!

  2. I can't wait to see your book! Your sketches will be fantastic I know!


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.