Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Gardens


My fingernails are looking pretty rough right now...
covered in dirt rather than paint.

It is so nice to work outside though.

I rearranged the front garden a little.
I tore out the bricks and made a more defined circle in the center with them.
I used the rest to create walking squares.
Once the bricks were used up, I moved around some of  the other walking area stones,
trying to place similar ones together.

I think this helped make the garden look more cohesive without our having to spend money on new ones.

  • The bricks I got for free off of Craigslist from someone who just wanted them hauled away.
  • The flat stones were from my sister's property up in the mountain.
  • The thicker "flat" rock were from our farm.
  • My husband picked up the square pieces when they were not needed at one of his jobs.
(We will be getting some mulch and spreading it later this week; I am hoping that will make the thicker stones blend a little more.)

Plants are starting to pop up and make everything green.
The gardens will look so much better when they have some flowers blooming.
For now though, after such a long winter, the colors of spring are more than welcome.

The stairway by the porch had these circular toppers which came loose.
I moved them over to a low stone wall where they could still be useful without risk of them falling on the kids.

I have been doing a lot of digging up of plants that show themselves enough to identify where and what they are.

Most plants can be easily divided in the spring.

See all the little baby plants in this clump?

My husband made a dirt pile for me: he often adds rotted manure to keep it a beautiful soil for potting up plants.

I get recycled pots from an Amish farm and pot up the babies, label them, and then sell them at a plant sale type yard sale and along the road on a cart.

It helps to keep my gardens manageable and provides some spending money for the kids' school curriculum as well as the fun yard sales of summer.
It also gives an allowance to invest in new plant varieties for my plant addiction...
is there a name for such a problem? :)

Friends know how much I love my flower gardens and give sweet gifts like this little bird bath.

I love walking through the gardens and seeing which plant variety is coming up.
This tree peony has the most beautiful peach flowers in a few weeks.
The hosta beside it is a common variety that grows well in sun or shade as this is a very sunny spot.
(Most hosta prefer shade).

However, by the time the hottest days of summer come,
the plants around it have filled in and offer some shade.

I recently got the little birdbath with the stork at a local mud sale (auction).
There were a wide assortment being sold and this one was hard to resist at the $12 it sold to me for.

I told my husband I would sell it at the plant sale,
but I think it has decided to stay.

Perhaps it could be a sweet mother's day gift from one of my children who is financially impaired?

Well, I better get to sleep so I can head back outside in the morning.
I thought I would just drop by and give a few pictures of what I am doing while I have put away the pencils and paint for these days.

The plant sale is in a couple of weekends, so there are plants everywhere.

It is a busy time of year for us on our farm,
and I do get a little overwhelmed at times,
but I love it and am thankful for a way I can work from my home,
and in one of my favorite places to be: the flower gardens,
and that my children can help and learn from it as well..

How about you?  Have you been outside much yet?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
(To see the gardens a month later, click >HERE<)

Sharing at: Gardens


  1. Oh Tonya - I love it all! I started following your blog this winter because of your drawings, I'm just learning & developing that hobby & love your pictures. So I haven't seen your garden yet. But my 1st love is gardens & I really like what you've done. I can understand making do with what you have & I can see you've worked very hard. I sure wish I could just walk through your garden & see it up close!

    I found a lot of annuals on clearance at Lowes this weekend & filled my front annual bed & containers for much less than I usually spend. I also started a new fairy garden, I love miniature gardens. This one is in the shade & I laid moss for the base. It has hosta & columbine behind it & an old little wire fence enclosing it. I plan to transplant some violet sorrel & wood violets this week from my woods. I also seeded some lettuce around it just for fun since it's right by my back door & hopefully the lettuce will grow longer there into the summer with the shade.

    I'm also moving brick to edge a new bed, all recycled brick from a buried pathway in my yard that I've never liked. It's very hard work for my middle age body so I'm not going very fast.

    Sorry so long but I love what you're doing & hope you'll post regular pictures this season as things grow.

    1. Oh, I LOVED your long reply!!! I'd love to walk through your gardens! Do you have a blog? I'll have to check it out! I can relate to it being hard on the middle-aged body. I really have felt it this year...sat down and fought off tears one day when I dropped a large stone on my ankle. Thankfully, by husband took heart and helped me move a lot of the stones that I wanted in different places. But I find gardening so rewarding and relaxing, I am willing to take a little abuse to make it look the way I dream it will. :)
      I love hearing about people's gardens. Your description made me want to make a fun little garden of herbs off the porch where I am not liking what is there...always moving around plants. :) Sounds like you got some great deals on annuals. I saw some BEAUTIFUL petunias the other day at the green house; there sure are some incredible fun varieties of them!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Happy gardening to you!

  2. I look forward to seeing more of your garden posts. My big project will be cleaning up all of the sunflower seed shells that the birds & squirrels left, under the feeders. I live in the southern part of Minnesota and we have a danger of frost until May 15th. We usually don't do any planting until Memorial weekend and I can't wait!


Thanks for your thoughts! If you have a question, I'll try to answer it.