Friday, December 19, 2014

When Christmas Comes to the Living Room.

My life has been so busy with Christmas:
crafting, wrapping, baking,...

repeating to my five year old how many more days until Christmas several times each day.

It seems a big job to decorate the house,
but it makes everything have that special "Christmas spirit."

It is so much fun turning the mantel into a vision of snow and evergreens.

This year, my twelve year old wanted her carolers that I painted for her a few years ago on the mantel;

so we put the other carolers we had on as well.

A vintage sled filled a spot where we had gathered some trees I made a few years back
from cereal boxes painted with Plaster of Paris in white paint,
and two that were made from another recycled idea of inverted coffee bags snipped and wrapped around a cone form.  They came during a time when I wanted unusual looking trees and decided to rummage the cupboards for an idea.

(Why is it coffee seems to come to mind when I feel the need to think?)

 I let the kids decorate the piano
(pretty much, although I did hide away a few too many of the things they had crowded there).

Violet set a section of home-made snowmen together with a bunch of trees and a fence
and then strung some lights across it to brighten them.

 Her school table is behind the piano,
a festive place to have to work.

We decided to save a little money this year and bring the artificial tree down from the attic.
We all love rekindling the friendship from Christmases past,
placing it down in the living room with us again.

After everything has been set up,
it is a nice place to sit and relax and remember the real meaning of Christmas,
the sweet birthday of that tiny baby in the manger,
the King of Kings.

Then it's back out to the easel to try to finish one more Christmas present.

Thanks for stopping by today
and have a Merry Christmas!

Sharing with all the other fun Christmas home tours at:


  1. I love your Christmas decorations!

  2. Thank you, Bess! :) I think your home looks so cozy! :)

  3. Beautiful Tonya, just beautiful!!! Merry Christmas to all of you & God Bless!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I hope you all had a sweet Christmas as well. :)

  4. Beautiful, Tonya! Merry Christmas to you & yours!

    1. Thanks, Dawn. I hope you had a memorable Christmas!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi, Jenn!! I miss hearing from/seeing you!! :) We need to catch up sometime soon!!


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