Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Valentine Love Renewed: Recycled Crafting.


I wanted to share one more valentine decoration before the day passes by.

Frames seem to be a weakness of mine.
When I see them at yard sales or second hand stores,
if they are unique and sturdy,
 I tend to want to pick them up for future projects.

 This frame held a unique piece of artwork: a paper crafted quilt (maybe paperclay?)

It was dated.
 It reminded me of when my sister loved making quilts back when we were teenagers in the 80's.
It was hard to think about just throwing it away,
so I thought I'd try to revive it for Valentines Day.

Using markers, I started carefully changing the quilt colors.
(Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this so easily with real quilts when they fade or our color scheme changes?)

I also painted the mat and background bright colors to go with our living room.

The finished quilt in a frame was set on one of the living room tables.

This addition was a lot less work than creating a new piece of artwork;

and it is kind sweet to think that somebody else's lovingly created piece
is given a second time around to be loved.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Love this and your last decorating post. Your frames fit perfectly with your beautiful and creative Valentine style! I think I'm catching your frame bug.I would love to find some gold frames like yours!!! Enjoy your Valentine's Day! ; )


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